How to download and view preflop solutions?

How do I download preflop solutions?

Sign up at and head to the Lobby. At the top of the page you will see tabs for 5 different game types:
NLHE Cash, Tournaments, Shortdeck, PLO/PLO5 and Spins. You can purchase and download preflop charts and ranges for Cash, MTT, PLO4 and Spin & Go preflop sims. 

Click on a game type to view all solutions included in it. Next, choose a sim from the list and click “Download Sim” button. Then select a format and add it to cart (Monker Viewer ranges, Pio charts or Pio ranges). If you want to purchase multiple preflop solutions, just add them to your shopping cart and then checkout once you've finished. 

After successful payment you will see the “Download” button next to the purchased format:

MonkerViewer ranges, Pio ranges, Pio strategy charts

How do I load and view PioSOLVER preflop ranges?

After downloading and unpacking the ranges, place them in the “Ranges” folder in PioSOLVER directory. Run PioViewer and go to the Postflop Tree Building and Calculations tab. You will be able to view the ranges after clicking in one of the range icons. Watch the RangeConverter Guide: How to load PioSolver Ranges for more details. 

How do I load and view PioSOLVER preflop charts?

After downloading and unpacking the charts, place them in the “PreflopCharts” folder in PioSOLVER directory. You may need to create the folder if it is not already there. Run PioViewer and go to Tools -> Open Preflop Charts Editor (Ctrl+P). Find the folder with the preflop strategy charts in the window on the right. Watch RangeConverter Guide: How to load PioSolver Charts for more details. 

How do I load and view MonkerSolver preflop ranges?

After downloading and unpacking the ranges, place them in the “ranges” folder in MonkerViewer root directory. Make sure they are placed under the right game type e.g. ranges/Hold’em/HU or ranges/Omaha/6-way. Watch RangeConverter Guide: How To Load MonkerViewer Ranges for more details. 

Not sure what is the difference between preflop ranges and preflop strategy charts?

Click here to find out -> What is the difference between preflop ranges and preflop strategy charts?
You don’t need to buy any GTO poker solver to study gto poker charts. You can view both preflop ranges and strategy charts in the RangeConverter online range viewer
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