Frequently Asked Questions
I forgot my password and/or cannot login
How to cancel a subscription?
I signed up, but did not receive confirmation instructions
I bought the wrong game type. What should I do?
How to upgrade from a monthly to a yearly subscription plan?
What is GTO Poker Trainer and how do I know if I am making progress?
Can I browse the preflop charts on my mobile phone or a tablet?
Range REG vs Range PRO
What’s included in the RangeConverter subscription?
Can I upgrade from Range Reg to Range Pro?
Is there a demo or a free trial?
Ranges, charts, conversion and custom sims
Do I need any expensive poker solver to run these solutions?
Can I log in and use Online Viewer and GTO Trainer on multiple devices?
I need my preflop ranges converted...
Can I request custom preflop charts?